今天我们要讲的是,要是你和朋友一起出去吃饭,到最后由谁来付账的问题。在美国,要是一个朋友约你一起出去吃午饭,那当然由他付钱。然而,要是你和三四个朋友一起去饭馆吃饭,事先也没有说好谁请客,那末,当服务员把帐单放在桌上的时候应该怎么办呢?如果你们当中有一个人很慷慨的话,那么他可能会主动表示他愿意请客。在这种情况下,他可以说: Let me pick up the tab. To pick up就是把什么东西拿起来的意思。Tab在口语里就是指帐单。因此,let me pick up the tab, 就是我来付账的意思。我们来举一个例子,这是一个人跟两个朋友在饭馆吃饭,到付账的时候,他对他的两个朋友说:
例句1: Listen, please don't argue with me. Let me pick up the tab this time. You two treated me many times before when I was looking for a job. Now I'm making good money, so it should be my turn.
但是,to pick up the tab只是一种说法,还有其他表达方式。比如,你也可以说: say, let me foot the bill for this. 这是说:嗨,这次我来付吧。大家可能知道foot就是:一只脚。但是,to foot the bill跟脚没有任何关系,而且这儿的foot是用做动词。To foot the bill就是付账。要是你愿意请你的朋友吃饭,你还可以说:: It's my treat. 这是说:我请客。To treat就含有招待,款待的意思。我们上面讲的都是很慷慨大方,愿意请客的朋友。但是,每个人可能都碰到过一些非常小气的人。下面是一个人在跟他的哥哥讲话。
例句2: I go out with Jack quite often, but he will never foot the bill for anything we spend. Even girls nowadays offer to treat me from time to time.
例句4: Why don't we go Dutch in the future. I believe we'll be able to get together more this way as nobody would worry about who's going to pick up the tab.