Lesson 241 - the time of one's life / in the nick of time
每当一年消逝,新年来临的时候,人们都纷纷举行庆祝活动送旧迎新。这都跟时光的流逝有关。在这次节目里,我们要讲两个跟时间有关的习惯用语。时间这个字在英文里就是:Time. Time也正是每年新年开始的时候,许多人下定决心要在新的一年里完成某些计划。也就是美国人所说的 new year resolutions。
我们要讲的一个习惯用语正是这个意思。 The time of one's life. 当一个人经历到the time of his life,那他就是经历了非常高兴的事情,也可能是他一辈子最高兴的事。我们来举一个例子,这是一个老人在说为什么每当新年来临的时候,他总是感到心情激动。
例句1: It was New Year's eve in 1941, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I went to this party and had the time of my life because I met the beautiful girl I've been married to for fifty years!
例句2: Linda and I drove to Yellow Stone Park last summer. The scenery there was fantastic and we were so much in love. I had the time of my life and wished I could stay there forever.
我们往往会遇到一种情况。那就是一件我们正在做的事好像马上就会失败,做不成了,但是到了最后一分钟突然出现了转机。这种情况在电影里也很多。比如说,英雄人物总是要到最后一分钟才出现,然后把那马上要被人杀死的朋友解救出来。这最后一分钟在英文里就是: In the nick of time. In the nick of time就是最后一刻。这最后一刻有时几乎是来得太晚了。下面是一个人在说他去参加新年晚会的路上所发生的事。
例句3: We had a flat tire on our way to Henry's party. But we still got there in the nick of time, five minutes to twelve, just in time to raise a glass and say hello to the new year.
例句4: My friend Jack likes to watch horror movies. But to me they seem to be all the same. There is always somebody coming to rescue the good guys in the nick of time.