Lesson 260 - to cook up / smart cookies and tough cookies
今天我们要讲的第一个习惯用语跟cook这个字有关。Cook可以作为动词。意思是:在炉子上煮吃的东西,cook也可以作为名词。意思是:厨师。这是cook这个字最普遍的解释。我们现在讲的一个习惯用语是把cook用做动词。它很简单,就是在to cook后面再加上up。 To cook up跟煮什么东西吃没有关系。
例句1: Oh, no! It's after seven o'clock and I promised Susan I'd meet her in front of her office right at six. I better cook up a good story or I'll be in big trouble.
例句2: My dad was really angry when I got home yesterday. I cooked up a story about taking a sick classmate to the hospital. But my dad asked for his name and telephone number. So I had to tell the truth. I'm now grounded for a week.
我们先来解释一下什么是: to be grounded。这是美国家庭对孩子用的一种惩罚方式。一个孩子被grounded的时候,他就不能用家里的汽车,也不许跟朋友或同学到外面去玩。现在我们来把上面这个例句翻成中文。
另外还有两种人,我们也可以用cookie这个字来称呼他们,这两种人就是: Smart cookies and tough cookies. Smart cookies和tough cookies可以指男的,也可以指女的。Smart就是聪敏,所以,smart cookie就是那些脑子比较聪敏一些的人。我们先来举一个关于smart cookie的例子。这是一个人在说他的妹妹。
例句3: When my sister was only ten years old I saw what a smart cookie she was going to be. And I was right; she's in Harvard medical school and she gets the highest grades in her class.
例句4: Our boss is sure one tough cookie. If you don't work hard, he'll fire you from your job in a minute. The good thing is that he's fair-minded; do good work and he'll pay you top wages.