现在我们先来讲第一个习惯用语。 To lower the boom. To lower就是把什么东西放低,boom在这里解释为帆船的帆下面的杠。用这个杠可以按当时的需要把帆升高或降低。要是一个人正在把杠往下放,而你的头正在杠下面的话,那个杠就会打到你的头。这可能使你感到非常痛。作为一个习惯用语,to lower the boom就是很严格的惩罚,或者是采取步骤严格地执行法律。下面是一个电台报导的一条消息。
例句1: The new chief of police announced today that he was going to lower the boom on drug peddlers by putting a lot more officers in neighborhoods where the situation is worst.
例句2: I was robbed in broad daylight last year. The police caught the guy but set him free after six weeks. I don't understand this, why can't they lower the boom on these criminals so that they will think twice before they do something bad.
上面那个受害者一定很愿意用下面这个办法来对待罪犯,但是没有一个罪犯愿意受到这种惩罚的。这种严厉的惩罚就是我们要讲的第二个习惯用语: To throw away the key. To throw away就是把什么东西扔掉,key就是钥匙。
美国的法律并不是全国统一的,各州有权制定自己的法律。但是,对大多数的州来说,最严重的惩罚恐怕就是把犯人关进监狱,然后throw away the key。大家也许已经猜出了to throw away the key是什么意思了。把犯人关进监狱,然后把监狱的钥匙扔掉。那当然就意味着这个犯人永远也出不了监狱了。也就是无期徒刑。
例句3: You remember that man who shot three people when he held up a bank? The judge locked him up and threw away the key: she sentenced him to life in prison with no chance of parole.
例句4: I don't think to throw away the key is the answer to the ever increasing rate of criminal cases. We must impose death sentences on those murderers who kill people without even blinking an eye? Only that may stop them killing so freely.