今天我们要讲的第一个习惯用语是: raise the devil. Raise这个词有“惹起”,或者“使出现”的意思。那么从字面意思看来,raise the devil可不就是让牛鬼蛇神都出笼,闹得鸡犬不宁吗?
好,我们来听一个例子。这是一个公司经理在发脾气。让我们仔细听听raise the devil在这段话里是什么意思,还有这位经理为什么这样恼火?
例句1:Ask Tom to come right now! I just found out he shipped the watches to New York instead of Los Angeles. I'm going to raise the devil with him.
这位经理火冒三丈要马上把Tom叫来,因为他刚发现Tom把那些手表定货送错了地方,运去了纽约而不是洛杉矶,所以经理要把Tom叫来好好训斥一番。可见raise the devil这个习惯用语意思就是“暴跳如雷,大叫大骂。”
还有,不知你有没有注意到,“大声训斥某一个人”,就是raise the devil with someone. 这里用介词with。
接下来我们还要听一个例子,里面也有习惯用语raise the devil。这是一位大学校长在和学校的财务主任争辩,反对提高学费。请你仔细听,在这段话里raise the devil表达甚么样的情况。先让我们来学一个生词: tuition这个词的意思是学费。还有一个生词:parent,意思是家长。好,让我们一起来听这段话:
例句2:We raised tuition ten percent last year. If we raise it again, our students and their parents will raise the devil with us and some of them will go somewhere else next year.
例句3:I'm in favor of moving too, but let me be the devil's advocate for a moment. Let's take a look at how much money we might save by staying right here.
例句4:We all agree women should have equal rights to work. But I'll be devil's advocate and ask, wasn't it better in the old days when women stayed home to cook, clean house and have babies?