让我们通过一个例子来体会lie low这个习惯用语的含义。这段话讲的是真人真事。二十多年前美国一名女学生在越战期间参与了反战运动,后来她帮助一个地下组织抢劫银行并杀死了一名警卫,然后她销声匿迹几十年,但是最近她突然向警方自首了。我们待会儿要听她主动投案的道理是什么。在听之前先来学一个生词: guilt。Guilt解释“罪恶”,所以sense of guilt意思就是“罪恶感”。好,我们来听这段话吧。
例句1: She changed her name and moved across the country. It would have been easy for her to lie low the rest of her life. Except for one thing - she couldn't get over her sense of guilt over the killing.
例句2: I know Senator Blank wants to run for president. Right now he's lying low, not saying anything, but he's waiting for the right moment to announce he's in the race.
我们今天要学的第二个带有lie这个词的习惯用语是: let sleeping dogs lie。 Let sleeping dogs lie是个非常非常古老的习惯用语,至少有六百年的历史了。实际上十四世纪的英国伟大诗人乔叟就曾经引用过这句话,可见这个习惯用语影响深远。这个习惯用语形像生动,要是你去惊动邻居睡着的看家狗话,那你简直就是自讨苦吃,自愿被狗咬。
例句3: Better let sleeping dogs lie. The boss likes Peter so much, and you are just like fish in a big pond. Be smart and stay quiet until your chance comes.
例句4: Mr. Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie. Both sides feel so strongly about this issue that if he stands on either side, he is sure to make a lot of enemies.