例句1: I don't feel so good this morning. I gave my brother a stag party last night because he's getting married today and we stayed out too late and had too much to drink.
stag party 排斥女性,不免引起女性的不快,而妇女们也有针锋相对的一手。这就是我们要学的下一个习惯用语: Hen party。Hen意思是母鸡。我想不少人已经猜出hen party指的是甚么样的聚会,当然是妇女聚会了,换句话说,hen party全是女性参加。下面我们要看一个例子。这是一个丈夫在说他太太将要参加的妇女聚会。
例句2: I'll be home tonight to take care of the kids because Susan has a hen party with the women she went to college with. Friday it's my turn - I'm going to a stag party to play poker.
上面学的stag party 和 hen party是男女有别的聚会。接下来我们要介绍一种不分男女老幼都可以分享的聚会,它是 tailgate party。Tailgate,这原是一种箱形轿车尾部的车门。它可以翻下来暂时充当桌子。你在球场外或者其它运动比赛场外的停车场上时常会看到球迷们在开场前几小时就捷足先登把三明治、热狗或者烧烤肉类等放在这张车尾的临时桌子上举行野餐,在一饱眼福之前,先大饱口福。这就是tailgate party,车尾野餐会。
例句3:We had a great tailgater party before the Washington Redskins played the New York Giants. But that was the only good part of the day: the Giants beat our Redskins by 21 points.
例句4:The baby shower will surely be a happy occasion, but it seems like only yesterday that Susan was a little girl herself. Now she'll be a mother. Where does the time go, I wonder?