大胆勇敢和鲁莽轻率之间的界线有的时候并不是很明确的。今天我们要讲的两个俗语就能够分清这两种不同的品质。首先我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语是 to go for broke。 To go for broke 的意思就是一个人准备冒损失一切的危险来采取一项行动,也可以说是"孤注一掷"。体育运动员往往会遇到这种情况。下面就是一个例子:
例句-1: "The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart."
例句-2: "Okay, I'm going to go for broke and bet all the money I have on my cards. I don't see how anybody can beat what I'm looking at here in my hand."
拿到一付很好的牌而冒一些风险似乎还是有一定的道理。可是有些人在情绪激动或者发怒的时候往往会在没有充份估计形势的情况下,不顾后果地鲁莽从事。这在英文里就是 to go overboard。 Overboard 这个字的意思是从船上掉到水中,就像一个粗心大意的水手,专心致意地忙着工作,一不小心,手没抓紧就掉下水去了。 To go overboard 作为一个习惯用语可以解释为在不顾自己安全的情况下就鲁莽地采取行动。下面我们要举的例子是一个妻子在劝她的丈夫不要轻率地作出决定:
例句-3:"John, let's not go overboard and get a new car right now. With all the other expenses we have, we won't be able to make the monthly payments."