有些人在处理问题的时候很果断,但是也有不少人前怕狼后怕虎,在处理问题的时候左顾右盼,迟迟不能做出决策。比如说,几个朋友一块儿去钓鱼。可是,其中一个人心不在焉,根本没有好好钓鱼。这时,他的朋友就会对他说: "Fish or cut bait。" Fish or cut bait在这个情况下的意思就是:"得了,你要不想钓鱼就乾脆去干别的。"
Fish or cut bait从字面上来解释就是:你要就钓鱼,否则就切断你的鱼饵。换句话说,也就是你要不做这个,那就做那个,总得有所决定。Fish or cut bait作为俗语的意思就是:不要举棋不定,而要当机立断。
例句-1: Son, either go on to college or go out and find yourself a job. It's time to fish or cut bait!
例句-2: Mister Wilson, you asked me to hold that red convertible until you made up your mind whether to buy it. Well, I've got another customer who wants it, so it's time for you to fish or cut bait.
例句-4: I'm not going to vote for that man for senator -- he's too much of a cold fish. I shook hands with him once and it was like shaking hands with a dead mackerel.