人们大概都看到过一匹年轻的俊马在宽阔的草原上兴高彩烈地奔跑的情景吧!这是一幅很美丽的图象。马的前腿往前伸展,后腿很有节奏地往上踢。美国有一个俗语就是建筑在这一形像之上的。这个俗语就是: to kick up one's heels。To kick up one's heels,从字面上来解释就是:把后脚往上踢。但是,实际上to kick up one's heels是用来形容人们到外面去寻欢作乐,就像马在草原上奔跑一样。比如说,有两个人在办公室里说话:
例句-1: How about coming out with us Wednesday night? We're all going to take Bill Glover out to dinner. Then later we'll drop into a few night spots. It's Bill's last chance to kick up his heels, you know--he's getting married the next morning.
To kick up one's heels并不一定是年轻人的事,上了年纪的人有时也想到外面去轻松轻松。下面的例子就很能说明问题:
例句-2: My mother and dad are over sixty, but they still like to go out once in a while to have dinner and do a little dancing and kick up their heels. Of course, they go home a lot earlier than they used to.
下面我们还要给大家介绍一个和kick这个字有关的美国俗语。这个俗语是: to kick off。To kick off的意思是一项活动,或一个计划的开始。To kick off原来是用在足球比赛的。每次比赛开始都是由一个球队把球踢到对方球队去。可是现在这个俗语几乎可以用在任何方面,表示:开始。美国人经常用to kick off来表示竞选活动的开始。有的时候,你可以从电台上听到这样的报道:
例句-3: Last night Michael Smith kicked off his campaign for the U.S. Senate with a speech here promising lower taxes and a bigger budget for schools and more help to the farmers.
例句-4: Now that my exams are all finished, I'm going to kick off the summer vacation by going down to Ocean City for a week to get some sun, some surf and a chance to look at the girls.