Unit 16 - First Business Trip 第一次出差

John: I can't attend the meeting in Washington. I've proposed you as the most able substitute. 我不能去华盛顿参加会议了,我已经推荐你去参加这次会议了。

Mary: But I've never been on a business trip before! 可是我以前从来没有出过差。

John: It's easy enough. Just make sure you keep track of all your expenses. The accounting department will reimburse you for all your meals and travel expenses. 很简单。只要做好一切费用的记录就行了。财务部门会报销所有的餐费和差旅费。

Mary: So the company will pay for everything? 就是说,所有费有都由公司出吗?

John: Yes, but when you send in your expense report, you also have to file a report summarizing your trip. It's not just a big vacation, you know. 是的。只不过。申请报销时你还得附上出差的说明。出差可不是放大假。

Mary: That sounds good. But what do you want me to do there? 不错。我在那里该干什么?

John: I've already paved the way. You just have to give a presentation on what our products are. I will do the follow-up and close the sale. 我已经都安排好了。你只要做一个产品介绍。我还做后续的工作并完成销售。

a business trip 出差
keep track of 跟踪,记录
expenses 费用
reimburse 报销
paved the way 铺平道路,做好准备
follow-up 后续工作