Unit 21 - Checking out of the Hotel(2) 退房( 2 )

Guest: I'm ready to settle the bill. 我要结账。

Desk Clerk: I hope you enjoyed your stay. 您住的还好吧?

Guest: Definitely! Very relaxing. 非常好!很舒服。

Desk Clerk: Good. Right, that comes to $1,500. 很好,您的费用是一千五百美元。

Guest: What? I only stayed three nights. 什么?我只不过才住了三天。

Desk Clerk: That's right, sir. Three nights at 500 dollars a night … that comes to $1,500. 没错,先生。三个晚上,每晚五百美元…… . 共计一千五百美元。

Guest: But your brochure said that this was a package deal and the hotel's services were all-inclusive. 但是你们的宣传手册上说是一次性收费,饭店的各项收费不另外计费的。

Desk Clerk: Yes, of course. The meals and excursions were included in the hotel price. 是啊。餐费和外出浏览的费用都包括在内的。

Guest: But why are you overcharging me almost a thousand dollars? 250 dollars a night, times three nights should just be $ 750. 可你为什么要我多付差不多一千美元呢?两百五十美元一晚,三个晚上是七百五十美元才对啊。

Desk Clerk: I'm sorry sir. The 250-dollar rate is based on double occupancy. That means it's 250 per person. The room itself is 500 dollars a night. 对不起。二百五十美元是按照两个人一间房算的,也就是二百五十美元一人。一个房间就是五百美元一个晚上。

Guest: Perhaps I could talk to your manager? 我能和你们经理谈谈吗?

Desk Clerk: Of course. Just a minute; I'll get her. 当然可以。请稍等,我找她来。

a package deal 一揽子交易,这里指包括所有服务项目费用的收费
all-inclusive 包括所有的服务
overcharge 多收钱
based on double occupancy 根据两位房客的价钱