Unit 41 - Negotiating a Job Offer 协商工资

Employer: Would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year? 年薪五万六千美元,可以考虑吗?

Ms. Wilson: What kind of benefits are we talking about? 那么福利怎么样?

Employer: Our standard package includes health insurance, two weeks vacation and a company car. 公司的标准福利包括医保,每年两周假期和一部公车。

Ms. Wilson: Are these things negotiable? 这些可以再商量商量吗?

Employer: Uh… not normally. What do you have in mind? 呃…… 一般是不行。你有什么想法?

Ms. Wilson: Vacation time is important to me. I would be willing to give up these other items in order to receive more vacation days. 假期对我而言很重要。我可以不要其他两样,希望能加行我的假期。

Employer: What an interesting idea, Ms. Wilson. Would you also be willing to accept a cut in initial salary? 你的想法很有意思,Wilson女士。你也愿意降低起步薪水吗?

Ms. Wilson: Possibly. What do you have in mind? 也许。您怎么想的?

health insurance 医疗保险
two weeks vacation 两周的假期
a company car 公车
give up 放弃
a cut in initial salary 起步薪水很少