Unit 49 - HR Survey(2) 员工调查

HR Administrator: Welcome to the company. We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company. 欢迎加盟本公司。我们正在对新员工进行调查,看看你们为什么选择本公司。

New Employee: That's easy. It was your office ergonomics that decided me.

HR Administrator: You're kidding! Something as simple as that? 你开玩笑吧!就这么简单?

New Employee: Yes. It is very important to me. My mother worked in offices for twenty years, and she finally had carpal tunnel syndrome. I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries, and I know that the office setup is very
important. 是的。对我来说,这很重要。我的母亲做了二十多年的办公室工作,最后得了腕管综合症。我一直在阅读有关肢体机械性劳损的文章,了解到办公设备的布置安排非常重要。

HR Administrator: Yes, there has been a lot of research into RSI's. Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries. Tell me, did anything else influence your decision? 是的,人们已经对机械性劳损进行了深入研究。简简单单调整一下椅子的高低就可以避免劳损。告诉我,你选择本公司还有其他方面的原因吗?

New Employee: Yes, I noticed that you have professional training and team-building days. I like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff. 有。我注意到,公司有专门的职业培训和团队建设。我愿意在舍得在员工身上投资的公司工作。

HR Administrator: Well, welcome to the team. 欢迎加入我们这个团队。

ergonomics 工效设计、益生学设计。为了人的健康对工作环境和工具进行改进的学科。
repetitive stress injuries 机械性劳损,此处的意思是不断地劳损最后赞成的伤残。
team-building 团队建设
professional training 职业培训