Unit 52 - Casual Days 便服日

New Employee: I can't believe you wear jeans to the office! Are you trying to lose your job? 真想不到,你竟然穿着牛仔裤来上班了。你不想干了?

HR Administrator: Of course not. I'm just observing casual day. On Fridays, the company doesn't require us to wear formal business attire. 当然不是。我这么穿也是符合有关便服日的规定的:公司不要求员工在星期五穿正规的职业装。

New Employee:Wow! Nobody told me about that. Won't the relaxed dress code damage the company image? 哇!没人告诉我这个。难道这种善于便服的着装规定不会损害公司形象吗?

HR Administrator: We don't think so. Casual days are becoming more common, and we believe employees can maintain a professional image without wearing uncomfortable clothes. 不会的。实行便服日的这种规定已经越来越普遍了;我们认为,即使员工穿着舒适随意一些,也能保持专业形象。

New Employee: I guess it lets people express their individual tastes. But won't some people abuse it ? 身穿便服可以体现个人品味。难道不会有人滥用这个规定吗?

HR Administrator: Not really. Besides, there is a separate dress code for casual day. People can't just wear whatever they want. 不会吧。穿便服有有单独的规定,员工也不能想穿什么就穿什么。

New Employee: It seems that a relaxed atmosphere could hinder productivity. 轻松的气氛会影响工作效率。

HR Administrator: Believe it or not, it has the opposite effect. Employees are actually more productive on casual days. 不管你相不相信,事实恰恰相反。员工的效率在便服日恰恰是得到了提高。

casual day 便装日
business attire 工作服
dress code 着装规定
the company image 公司形象
a professional image 专业形象