CEO: I've read your report, and I'm not sure I agree with you. You think you can get attendance inproved by requiring salaried employees to take their all of their sick days? 我已经看了你的报告,我的看法可能跟你有所不同。你觉得所有年薪员工病了就必须休病假可以提高出勤率吗?
HR Manager: That's right. I know it must sound crazy to you, but we believe there will be fewer absences this way. 是的。我知道听起来一定有点不可思议,但是这样可以减少缺勤。
CEO: We give them 10 or 15 sick days per year. Surely requiring people to take them couldn't possibly help. It sounds like a counter - productive policy change
to me. 员工每年可以休十到十五天的病假。硬性规定有病必须歇假肯定不会提高出勤率,我觉得这像是会产生负面效果的制度修订。
HR Manager: Right now, we have incentives encouraging employees to come to work as often as possible. But employees with colds and the flu are coming to work and infecting their colleagues. 目前,我们的各种奖励制度都是鼓励员工尽可能多地出勤。可患有感冒和流感的员工来上班就会传染别人的。
CEO: I see. So our current policies are encouraing sick people to come to work, resulting in more sick employees. 我明白了。目前的规定鼓励生病的人也来上班,势必会使更多的人生病。
HR Manager: That's right. If sick days were mandatory, sick people would stay home. We wouldn't have these company-wide epidemics. 是的。如果生了病就必须在家休病假的话,公司就不会发生大面积的*疾病。
CEO: Let's give it a shot! 那我们就试试看吧。
attendance 出勤率 absence 缺勤率 incentives 奖励机制 sick days 病假 mandatory 强制性的 give it a shot 进行尝试