Unit 79 - 品牌意识

Bill: In order to build the brand name among our target audience, we have developed a year-long advertising campaingn.. 为了我们的目标观众中建立品牌意识,我们已经制定了长达一年的广告计划。

Lauren: What is the campaign? 什么计划?

Bill: We start with a major advertising blitz in tier one cities. 我们首先要在主要城市进行集中的广告宣传。

Lauren: What are the components of your advertising campaign? 你们的广告计划有哪些内容?

Bill: It includes promotional events, consumer coupons and free trials. 包括宣传活动,发放顾客优惠券和免费试用。

Lauren: Your initial brand awareness campaign should also include joint promotional events. 你们早期的品牌意识宣传活动还应该包括联合促销活动。