Unit 88 - 结束陈述

Steven: This concludes our presentation. I would now like to open the floor to questions. 陈述到此结束。我现在回答你们的问题。

Christina: Can you tell us what your sales expectations are for the first year? 您第一年的销售期望值是多少?

Steven: Before I do that, I would like to refer to the third slide I showed you with our market forecasts. 在我回答这个问题前,我想用第三张幻灯片来向您展示我们的市场预测。

Christina: It looks rather bleak for years 1 and 2. 看起来第一年和第二年很惨淡。

Steven: As you can see from the third graph, it picks up dramatically in year 3. 您看第三张图表,第三年的销售量会大幅度提高。

Christina: To summarize, you feel the next two years will be slow but are confident sales will pick up in the third year? 概括地说,您认为接下来的两年销售量增长会很缓慢,但有信心第三年就会大幅提高。