第 1 课:Hello, Bill. How are you today? 喂, 比尔, 今天好吗?

PAUL: Hello, Bill. How are you today? 喂, 比尔, 今天好吗?

BILL: Fine, thanks. Beautiful day! 很好, 谢谢您. 今天天气真好!

PAUL; Good for business. 是个做生意的好日子.

BILL: Sure is. 说的是.

PAUL: See you later. 回头见.

BILL: OK. Paulo. See you later. 好, 回头见, 保罗.

GIRL: Excuse me, sir. 先生, 请问...

BILL: Yes? 有什麽指教?

GIRL: Is this the Museum of Modern Art? 这是不是现代艺术博物馆?

BILL: No. This is the Space Building. That's the Museum over there. 不是, 这是太空大厦. 那边那座是博物馆.

GIRL: Thank you very much. 谢谢您.

BILL: You're welcome. 不客气.

PAUL: Bill! 比尔!

BILL: Hi, Paulo. 嗨, 保罗.

PAUL: Bill, this is my sister, Joana Farias. 比尔, 这是我妹妹琼娜?法瑞斯.