第 100 课:Another Letter from Miguel 米盖尔的另一封信

Dear Mama,亲爱的妈妈:

I can't believe it! I'll be home in a couple of weeks.我简直不相信,再过两个星期我就要回家了。

This has been the greatest vacation I've ever had,在我所有的假期中,这次是最名符其实的。

My English is pretty good now. I can understand almost everything--except on the phone. 现在我的英语相当好。除了在电话中有点困难外,其它的我都能听明白。

I've made many new friends and learned lots of new things.我交了许多新朋友,学到了许多新东西。

For example,Mama, believe it or not, some Americans spend morehours watching T. V. than working at their jobs.比如,妈妈,也许您不信,一些美国人看电视的时间比工作的时间要长的多。

It's true! I read it in an American paper.这是真的,我是从报纸上看到的。

I called the Monteros last week. They were very happy to see me. 上星期,我拜访了蒙特罗斯一家。他们见到我很高兴。

You're right. They have a daughter my age. 您说得对,他们有一个女儿和我同岁。

She is happily married, has two children, and sends her regards, They all send their regards. 她婚姻美满,已经有了两个孩子,她问您好。他们全家都让我代问您好。

Mrs. Montero cried when we talked about the people she hasn't seen
in years. 蒙特罗斯太太听到谈起她几年没见的朋友时都哭了。

I felt a little sorry for her. She wants to go back to Colombia for a visit, but I don't think they have the money. 我觉得有点对不起她。她想回哥伦比亚看看,不过我看他们的钱不够。

On the brighter side, I'm sending you another photograph of Marta. 正如您所见,我又给您寄了一张玛塔的照片。

Don't worry.I'm not going to do anything 'foolish,' but I want you to be able to recognize her.别担心,我不会干什么“蠢事”,我只想让您能认识她。

Love, Miguel爱您的:米盖尔