第 101 课:A Note from Nora 娜拉的便条

Hi, kids. It's Friday again, so I won't be home from work until 9:15. 孩子们: 又到星期五了,我得到九点一刻才能回家。

Dinner is in the refrigerator. Peggy, you can heat up the stew and make the salad. 晚饭在冰箱里。佩吉,你把炖菜热热,再做点沙拉。

Suzy, you can set the table. 苏西,你摆桌子。

Billy and Jack, I want you to clear the table, wash the dishes, and put them away.比利和杰克,我要你们擦桌子、洗碗并把它们放好。

And you can get started on the weekly chores.然后开始做你们每周都做的家务。

No chores, no allowance. Peggy, please scrub the bathroom. It's filthy.不干家务就不给你们零花钱。佩吉,你擦洗一下洗澡间。那里太脏了。

Jack, you know how to use the vacuum cleaner, Would you please do the rugs and the floors?杰克,你知道怎么用吸尘器。把地毯和地板打扫一下,好吗?

And you, Billy, please clean up the mess in the basement. I don't know what you were doing down there, but you left'tools all over the place. 那么你呢,比利,你把地下室乱七八糟的东西整理整理。真不知道你们在那儿都干了些什么,工具放得到处都是。

And Suzy,you can help Billy sweep up. 苏西,你帮比利打扫。

Dad will be home around 6:30. Why don't you have dinner ready by then? OK. kids? Enjoy your dinner. 爸爸大概在六点半回家。你们要在他回家前把晚饭准备好。好吗,孩子们?祝你们吃顿好饭,

Oh yes,for dessert, you can have the chocolate cake. But please leave a little piece for your hard-working mother.噢,对了,点心,你们可以吃点巧克力蛋糕。不过,可千万别忘了,给你们辛苦工作的妈妈留点儿。

Love Mom 爱你们的:妈妈