第 102 课:There was something for everybody.人们各有所得

THE WORLD'S FAIR NEWSLETTER Volume 1 No.5 世界博览会会刊 第一册 第 五 号

Published by THE WORLD'S FAIR CORPORATION and THE G. W. CRAWFORD AGENCY, INC.世界博览会与加里?惠特尼?克劳伍德联合印发

THE SPACE BUILDING OPENS by Henry Leeds '太空馆落成开幕——亨利?利斯采写

Yesterday was the opening of the Space Building here at the World's Fair. 昨天世界博览会的太空馆正式开馆接待游客。

Many famous scientists, architects, and diplomats were present.许多著名的艺术家、建筑师和外交官出席了开馆典礼。

There was something for everybody.人们各有所得。

Messrs. Wood, Glass, and Stone, who are the architects of the building, attended the ceremonies. 该建筑的设计者,伍德、哥拉斯和思脱三位先生参加了开馆仪式。

The building, which looks like a big glass cube, is as modern as its exhibitions.这座建筑象它里面的展品一样现代化。它看起来象一个巨大的玻璃骰子。

A large crowd listened to the many speeches of the diplomats. 一大群人听了外交官们的贺词。

Among the listeners was a little boy. He was about seven years old, had curly black hair and big brown eyes, and was eating an ice cream sandwich.人群中有一个小男孩,大约七岁,他有着一头卷曲的黑发和一双褐色的大眼睛,嘴里吃着一块冰激凌三明治。

"Are you enjoying the speeches?" I asked.“你喜欢这些讲话吗?”我问道。

"No." he said, "they're boring. ""Then why are you here?" Because it's not as boring as home. "“不喜欢,”他说,“他们使人讨厌。”那你为什么还呆在这儿?”“因为这儿和家里的讨厌事不一样。

There you have it. Another day at the Fair.”你会明白孩子的意思。在博览会又过了一天。