第 113 课:A Thousand Voices 沸腾的欢呼声

From the earliest times, people have held sports competitions.很久以前,人们就举办体育比赛,

The athletic few compete on the field while the rest of us participate from the safety of our seats. 当时的运动很少在正规的场地中进行,以供其他人在自己的位置安全地观看。

Today sports are certainly as popular as ever, and because of radio and television, we can now compete from a distance. 今天的体育运动已经相当流行。由于电视和收音机的普及,我们远离比赛场地,也会有身临其境的感觉。

In fact, for important competitions, the whole world becomes one big stadium.实际上,对于一场重要的比赛来说,整个世界就好像一座大体育场。

It is hard to say why humans like organized games. The reasons that we enjoy sports probably differ from person to person. 很难说清楚人们为什么喜欢组织比赛。

Whether little kids are kicking a ball around a city playground, or million-dollar-a-year athletes are playing in a modern stadium, the excitement of competition, motion, discipline. and beauty are in the air. 无论是小孩子们喜爱在市内的运动场上踢足球;还是在现代化的体育场内举办的每年一百万美元的体育运动,你都能感觉到比赛的精彩、运动、训练和美妙。

Who doesn't stop to watch a ball game in the street or a swimmer in a pool? 谁不停下来看两眼街头的球赛和游泳池中的游泳健儿?

What parents are not proud to see their children carried off the field by thankful fans?哪个家长不盼望自己的孩子被狂热的球迷们簇拥着抬出运动场?

For the players, the joys of sportsmanship can include punishing self-discipline and the friendship of teammates. 对运动员来说,他们的乐趣还包括自身的严格训练及队员们之间的友谊。

Then there is that special thrill that comes only to a lucky few. It is the thrill that comes from hearing a thousand Voices shout your name. 然而对于运动场上的姣姣者来说,那就是当成千上万的人呼喊你的名字时,还有一种特殊的刺激。

But personal victory is only one kind of victory. In every game someone must lose, but mankind wins every time an athletic record is broken. 可是个人的胜利仅仅是胜利的一种。在任何一场比赛中都会有人失利,但每一次也总会有人赢,打破运动记录。

It is this sapect of sports that brings people together.体育是使人们聚集在一起的一种形式。

Even in defeat, no one says to an athlete, "So what?" You say, "Good try!" 即使是失败,也没人会对运动员说“怎么样?”人们会说“再试试”。

And when your pride gets hurt and your muscles are sore, you say to yourself, "That's part of the game. I'll win next time!" 当你的自尊心受到打击,你的肌肉感到疲劳时,你应该对自己说:“这只是比赛的一部分,下次我准能获胜。”