第 120 课:Attention young artists! 年轻的艺术家们请注意!

: Attention young artists! 年轻的艺术家们请注意!

: The Brazilian Pavilion of the World's Fair is sponsoring an international art competition. 万国博览会巴西馆将举办一项国际性艺术比赛.

: The winner will receive a $10,000 a year grant to live and study for two years at the institution of his choice anywhere in Brazil. 第一名将获得一年一万美元的奖学金以作为赴巴西就读其所选择之任何大专院校为期二年的生活费及学费.

: All men and women under thirty years of age are cordially invited to enter the
competition. 诚请未满三十岁之青年男女报名参加.

: During December we will be exhibiting as many entries as possible at the World's Fair Museum of Modern Art. 巴西馆将在十二月份尽可能将所有的参赛作品陈列于万国博览会现代艺术馆供大众观赏.

: But, as the judges, all internationally famous artists, 但因为裁判必须在元月一日前作决定,

: must make their decision before January 1, the Brazilian Pavilion must receive your entry by December 1. 所以所有参选的作品必须在十二月一日前送至巴西馆本比赛的裁判, 均为举世闻名的艺术家.

: On January 1 the Brazilian Pavilion will have the pleasure of announcing the results of the competition. 在元月一日, 巴西馆将十分荣幸地宣布比赛的结果.

: The ceremony will take place in the Grand Gallery of the Museum at 4:30 PM. 仪式将于该日下午四时三十分假现代艺术馆大陈列厅举行.

: All works of art remain your property and will be returned after the first of the ear. 各作品之所有权将属于作者所拥有作品于元月一日后将归还原主.

: As we cannot be liable for paintings submitted to us, please insure your entry
gainst loss, damage, or destruction. 作品若有遗失, 损害或毁损等情形, 巴西馆无法负责任,敬请各位自行投保为盼.

: Persons related to the staff of the Brazilian Pavilion are not eligible to enter the competition. 凡与巴西馆工作人员有亲戚关系的人不得参与比赛。