密苏里英语口语 第 16 课: He's only a child. 他还小. ALI: Look! An ice cream man! May I have an ice cream sandwich, please, please? I love ice cream sandwiches. 你看! 冰淇淋摊贩! 我可以吃冰淇淋三明治吗? 拜托! 我最喜欢吃冰淇淋三明治.
MR. NIKZAD: He's impossible. 真是拿他没办法.
MRS. NIKZAD: He's only a child. 他还小.
MR. NIKZAD: You may have your ice cream sandwich after lunch. 吃完午餐以後你才可以吃冰淇淋三明治.
MR. NIKZAD: Excuse me, sir. Can you help me? Where is the Italian restaurant? 对不起先生, 您能不能帮个忙? 请问义大利餐馆在哪?
BILL: It's in the Italian Pavilion, over there. On the second floor. 就在那边的义大利馆里面. 在二楼.
MR. NIKZAD: Thank you. 谢谢.
ALI: I can have an ice cream sandwich later, can't I? 待会儿我可以吃冰淇淋三明治吗?
BILL: Of course, you can. After lunch. 当然可以, 但要在吃过午餐以後.
ALI: My name's Ali. 我的名字叫阿里.
MRS. NIKZAD: Come along, Ali. The man is busy. 过来, 阿里, 这位先生很忙.
BILL: That's OK. Where are you from, Ali? 没关系, 阿里, 你从哪儿来的?
ALI: Iran. 伊朗.
BILL: Really? 真的吗?
ALI: Yes. I can speak two languages. 嗯, 我会说两种语言.
BILL: Oh? Your English is very good. 哦? 你英文说得很好.
ALI: Yes. 嗯.