第 32 课:Why doesn't he like me? 他为什麽不喜欢我?

JIM: All right. It's his way. But... 好吧, 那是他的方式, 不过...

PEARL: But, what? 不过什麽?

JIM: Why doesn't he like me? 他为什麽不喜欢我?

JIM: Why does he insult me in front of the customers? 为什麽他当著顾客的面侮辱我?

PEARL: He doesn't, Jim! I don't believe it. 他不会的, 吉姆, 我不相信.

JIM: It's true, Mom. He always says, "All of the customers know the prices. Why don't you?" 确实是这样子, 妈, 他常常说 "所有的顾客都晓得价格, 为什麽你就不知道?"

PEARL: Oh, Jim, that's the way he is. 噢, 吉姆, 他就是那样子.

JIM: OK. but does he have to be that way all the time? We work together every day, but we never talk to each other. Either he changes or I quit. 好, 但是他有必要整天都这样子吗? 我们每天一起工作就从来没说过话. 不是他改变, 就是我不.

FRANK: You know, Jim, 你知道的, 吉姆,

FRANK: you are his favorite grandchild. 你是他最疼的孙子.

JIM: How do you know? 你怎麽知道?

FRANK: He doesn't say it, but I know. 他没说过, 但我明.

JIM: I give up. 我不说了.

CUSTOMER: Congratulations, Mr. Yamamoto. You're famous! 恭喜你, 山本先生, 你出名了.

MR. YAMAMOT Famous? 出名?

CUSTOMER: Yes. That was a great article about you in the paper. 是啊? 报上有一大篇关於你的文章.

MR. YAMAMOT Ssh. Don't tell the vegetables. They don't know yet. 嘘! 不要跟蔬菜说, 它们还不知道呢!