第 35 课:But he has a strong face. 倒是他有个健康的脸色.

: Now he's getting old. He doesn't see without his glasses, and he can't lift heavy things. 现在, 他渐渐老了, 不戴眼镜便看不见东西, 他无法搬动笨重的东西,

: His hair is thin and almost all white. 他的头发稀疏而且几乎全白了,

: But he has a strong face. 倒是他有个健康的脸色.

: Grandfather loves his store. He needs the store. It's his only joy. He has friends, but they are all old. 爷爷很喜欢他的商店, 他需要这商店, 那是他唯一的享受. 他有朋友, 但他们都老了.

: Oh, yes, he has us, the family, and I guess he loves us, but he doesn't show it. 噢, 对了, 他有我们这些家人, 我猜他是爱我们的, 只是他从不表现出来.

: He lives in the past. All of his friends are living in the past. At least the past can't change. 他活在往事里, 所有他的朋友都活在往事里, 至少往事不能改变.

: They can't take it away from you. 你无法把过去拿走,

: It's always there, and you can close your eyes and see it. 它总是在那儿, 即使你闭上眼睛, 仍能看得见.

: Grandma was a kind lovely lady, and Grandfather's world is not the same without her. 奶奶是个仁慈可爱的女人, 没有她, 爷爷的世界就不一样了.

: Pedro is attractive. There's no doubt about it. Women are crazy about him. But he's spoiled. 无可置疑的, 佩德罗是很迷人的, 女孩们都为他痴狂, 但他被宠坏了.

: I don't like that. 我不赞成如此.

: It's not right to break a date. 失约是不对的,

: But, it's funny, I don't feel bad about it. 但说来奇怪, 我却不觉得那是坏事.

: I'm sure he breaks dates with women all the time. That's the way he is. 我确知他经常是对女孩子失约, 那是他的一贯作风.