第 40 课:Do they look like roses? 它像玫瑰?

NORA: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 早安, 先生, 我能效劳吗?

CUSTOMER: It's our anniversary today. I'm looking for the same flowers as the ones in her wedding bouquet. 今天是我们结婚年, 我要找 (买) 一些和内人在婚礼上所拿的相同的花束.

NORA: What do they look like? 是什麽样子的?

CUSTOMER: White. They're white. 白色的, 白色的花束.

NORA: How tall are they? 有多高啊?

CUSTOMER: They're short, I guess. About the same height as those short flowers over there. 我想, 它是矮矮的, 差不多跟那边的花朵一样高.

NORA: Do they look like roses? 它像玫瑰?

CUSTOMER: No. They look like little bells. 不像, 它们看起来像个小钟形.

NORA: Oh -- lilies of the valley. No, I'm sorry. 哦 -- 铃兰, 很抱歉,

NORA: We're out of them at the moment. 这个时候我们没有铃兰.

CUSTOMER: Oh, that's too bad. 哎呀, 那太糟了.

NORA: What about roses? 买些玫瑰怎麽样?

CUSTOMER: OK. How many do you suggest? 好吧! 你认为需要多少?

NORA: As many as you like, sir. They're beautiful, aren't they? 你需要多少就买多少, 先生. 它们很漂亮, 不是吗?

CUSTOMER: Yes, they are. 是的, 很漂亮.