第 41 课:What a nice surprise! 真是巧极了.

NORA: Hi, Peggy. Hi, Suzy. 嗨, 蓓姬、苏西,

NORA: What a nice surprise! 真是巧极了.

PEGGY: Hi, Mom. We're on our way home from school. 嗨! 妈, 我们刚下馕正要回家.

NORA: Excuse me a minute, girls. 等一下, 孩子们.

NORA: Jane, can you take care of this gentleman? Now, how was school today? 珍, 你能来招呼这位男士吗? 好了, 今天在学校怎麽样?

SUZY: The same as always. 老样子,

PEGGY: Oh. There was one thing. 哦, 有件新鲜事.

NORA: Oh? 哦?

SUZY: Jack was in a big fight. 杰克跟人家打架.

NORA: Is he all right? 他还好吧?

PEGGY: I think so. But he's in the principal's office. 我想是没事, 不过他在校长室.

NORA: Oh, no! 噢, 真糟糕!

SUZY: Why are Billy and Jack so different from each other? 为什麽比利与杰克会有这麽大的不同呢?

NORA: I don't know, dear. I really don't. 我不知道, 孩子, 我真不知道.

SUZY: When are you coming home, Mom? 妈, 您何时回家?

NORA: It's Friday. The store is open until 9:00 tonight. 星期五, 这家店营业到九点.