第 59 课:I am very proud of them. 我真以他们为傲.

: Joana is growing up before my eyes. 琼娜在我眼前迅速长大,

: Every day she grows more mature, less shy, and more confident. 她一天比一天成熟, 没有以前害羞, 比以前更有自信.

: She's getting serious about art again, so she's going to take some courses at one of the schools here. 她又对艺术认真起来, 因此打算在此地的一所学校进修.

: She's talented, but not very patient. She has a lot to learn. 她有天分, 但没有多大耐心, 还有许多事情有待学习.

: I am enjoying the Fair, but most of all, I am enjoying the children. 我很喜欢到万博会玩, 但是, 带给我最大的乐趣, 还是孩子们,

: I am very proud of them. 我真以他们为傲.

: At first, Joana was nervous about her English, but now she is almost fluent. 琼娜当初耽心她的英文不够好, 可是现在几乎和美国人一样流利了.

: As a matter of fact, she is teaching me! 事实上, 她还教我呢!

: So, my dear, how are you? 亲爱的, 你还好吗?

: How are things at home? I miss you. 家里的情形怎么样? 我真想念你,

: I read and reread all your letters. 你的信, 我都看了又看.

: Your devoted wife, 你挚爱的妻

: Alicia 爱丽霞上