密苏里英语口语 第 73 课:The trees wore a light green smile. 树木露出浅绿色的笑容. : It was a warm day, warm for April. 是一个温暖如四月的天气.
: People were walking around the Fair with their coats over their arms. 在万国博览会有人一边把大衣挂在胳膊上, 一边散步.
: The sun was bright, and there were little white clouds in the blue sky. 太阳很大, 蓝色的天空里有小小的白云,
: The trees wore a light green smile. 树木露出浅绿色的笑容.
: At noon the Saturday crowd was very large. 在星期六的中午一大堆人群,
: Adults were laughing, children were crying, and everyone was having a good time. 大人们在笑, 小孩子们在叫, 大家都玩的很开心.
: A thousand vendors were selling ice cream, hot dogs, and cold drinks. 无数的摊贩在卖冰淇淋、热狗和冷饮.
: It was a beautiful, spring morning -- 这是一个美丽的春天的上午,
: the kind you want to last forever. 一种使人们希望它会持续到永远的天气.
: Later in the afternoon, the sun was not so bright, 下午之后, 太阳没那么炎热了,
: the sky was not so blue. 天空也不那么蔚蓝.
: The little white clouds were now large and gray. 小小的白云变成了大大的黑云.
: There was a drop here, a drop there... 这里掉了一滴雨水, 那里掉了一滴...
: then ten thousand noisy drops. 然后哗啦哗啦的下了倾盆大雨.
: People shouted and ran in every direction. 人们一边喊叫一边向四面八方跑,
: Then there was silence, the sun, the blue sky, and a rainbow. 然后一切平静下来, 天空中又出现了太阳、蓝天, 还有一道彩虹.