第 74 课:First things first. 首先最重要的是,

: I admire Claire. 我真羡慕克蕾尔.

: She works all day and goes to school at night. 她白天上一天的班, 晚上还要去读书.

: She knows where she's going and what she wants, and she's willing to work for it. 她掌握了人生的方向和目标, 而且肯为达到目标而努力.

: Am I? 我能吗?

: In my first job, I was secretary. 我第一份工作是当秘书,

: When I married my husband, I quit. 结婚以后我就辞职了.

: After I left him, I went back to the same office. 离开丈夫以后就回到同一个公司,

: I never thought about other possibilities. 我始终没有考虑走别的路.

: When I came here, I got a job right away. 当我来到这里以后, 马上有了工作.

: I was happy with anything. 那个时候我一点也不挑剔, 对任何事情都感到很快乐.

: Now I'd like a change. 而现在我却想换一个环境.

: First things first. 首先最重要的是,

: What skills do I have? 我有些什么技能?

: -- OK. I can do anything. -- 是的, 我什么都能作.