第 83 课:It's time for a change. 该是换换环境了,

: Nobody likes to get out and look for a job. 没有一个人喜欢出来找工作,

: I'm getting depressed again. 我又情绪低落了,

: It's time for a change. 该是换换环境了,

: Maybe I'll meet someone in an elevator, and he'll offer me a wonderful job. My worries will be over. 也许我会在电梯里认识一个人, 然后他将提供给我一份理想的工作, 我就没有烦恼,

: Stop it, Laura. Be realistic. 得了, 罗拉, 现实点.

: Yes, it's time for a change. 对, 我应该换一个环境了,

: I hate offices. 我讨厌办公室,

: I don't hate work - that's why I got the job with Crawford - but I don't like offices. 我不厌恶工作 - 所以才到郭佛那里去作事 - 但是我不喜欢办公室,

: I don't feel human in an office. 我觉得在公司里不像个人.

: I'd rather work with people than with files and typewriters. 我喜欢和别人接触, 不喜欢和档案、打字机作伴.

: But how? 要怎么样才可以呢?

: I could be a real estate agent, a travel agent, a... anything, as long as it isn't boring. 我可以当房地产经纪人、旅行经纪人、或什么都行, 只要不令人无聊就可以.

: Claire's going to law school. 克蕾尔正读法律学校.

: Crawford's son, what's his name? ...Michael, Yes. 郭佛的儿子, 他叫什么名字? ... 麦可. 对了,

: He wants to be an artist. 他想作艺术家.