第 84 课:I like to sew. 我喜欢做针线活

: Henry Leeds likes his job. 亨利?里德斯喜欢他的工作,He doesn't want to do anything else. 他不想再做其他事情,

: It is possible to be happy at your job. 一个人能从自己的工作得到快乐, 到底不是不可能的.

: I could teach Spanish. 我可以教西班牙文,

: No, I don't have the patience. 不, 我没有这份耐心.

: I think I'd to be my own boss. 我想我会喜欢自己当老板.

: I like to sew. 我喜欢做针线.

: Maybe I could open a small dress shop. 也许我可以开一家小服装店.

: I wonder how much you need to start a shop. 不知道开一个店需要多少钱.

: My head is spinning. 我头昏脑胀,

: I must be getting hungry. 大概是饿了吧,

: I'm tired, too. 而且也疲倦.

: Maybe I'm getting a cold. 也许我感冒了,

: No. You're not getting a cold. 不,你并不是感冒,

: You're just depressed. And scared. 你只是沮丧和害怕.

: A dress shop. I'll have to think about that. 开一家服装店, 这个应该多研究研究.

: Would you like to order now? 小姐想吃什么?