第 88 课:That's understandable. 那是可以了解的.

MIGUEL: No, it wasn't exactly Pedro's fault, but Michael wouldn't speak to him after that. 不, 这不完全是佩德罗的过失, 但是从那个时候起, 麦可就不愿意和他说话了.

MARTA: That's understandable. 那是可以了解的.

MIGUEL: Maybe. But it's a shame. 也许. 不过, 我总觉得那是很丢人的.

MARTA: Well, Michael is sensitive. That's why he's so charming. 嗯, 麦可就是敏感一点, 所以才那么令人着迷.

MIGUEL: Yes, but now that Michael is seeing Joana, I hope he'll forgive Pedro. 不错, 但是麦可既然和琼娜在谈恋爱, 我希望他会原谅佩德罗.

MARTA: You don't have to worry about Pedro. 你用不着替佩德罗担忧.

MIGUEL: I know, but I think a good friendship deserves a second chance. 我知道, 但是我认为深厚的友情应该有言归于好的机会.

MARTA: So do I, but... 我也这样觉得, 不过...

MIGUEL: And Pedro needs his old friend. He's very lonely. 尔且佩德罗需要他的老朋友, 他非常孤单.

MARTA: Lonely? Every time I see him he's with a different woman. 孤单? 每次我看到他都和不同的女孩子在一起.

MR.NIKZAD: Captain, would you tell me who is responsible for catching the thieves? I'd like to thank him personally. 警长, 您可不可以告诉我, 逮捕那些贼的人是谁? 我想亲自向他道谢.

CAPT.JAMISON: You know him. 你认识他的.

MR.NIKZAD: I do? 真的?

CAPT.JAMISON: But I must ask you not to tell anyone who he is. He's one of our undercover men.不过, 我必须请你不要告诉任何人他是谁, 他是我们的一个便衣警员.