第 89 课:He's a fine boy. 他是个好孩子.

MR.NIKZAD: Certainly. 那当然!

CAPT.JAMISON: Sergeant O'Neill. Would you step into my office? 欧尼尔警官, 请到我的办公室来一下.

BILL: Captain? 什么事, 警长?

MR.NIKZAD: Mr. O'Neill. The ice cream vendor! I don't believe it. Ali was right. 欧尼尔先生, 那个冰淇淋贩! 我真想不到! 原来阿里是对的!

CAPT.JAMISON: Who was right? 谁对了?

MR.NIKZAD: My son, Ali. He never stops talking about Mr. O'Neill. He always says, "Mr. O'Neill is a secret agent." 我的儿子阿里. 他一天到晚都在讲欧尼尔先生. 他总是说: 「欧尼尔先生是个密探.」

CAPT.JAMISON: Sergeant, you didn't say anything to the boy, did you? 警官, 你该没有对那个小孩说什么吧?

MR.NIKZAD: Captain, I'm sure he didn't have to. Ali is very... what is the word in English... imaginative. He enjoys pretending to be you, Sergeant. You are his hero.警长, 我相信他用不着说. 阿里这孩子非常... 英文怎么讲... 想像力很丰富. 警官, 你是他心目中的英雄, 他崇拜你, 很喜欢学你.

BILL: He's a fine boy. 他是个好孩子.

MR.NIKZAD: And he loves talking to you about baseball. He keeps trying to learn, but I don't know how to play, so I can't teach him. 他也很喜欢和你谈棒球. 他一直试着学, 可是我不会玩, 所以就没办法教他.

MR.NIKZAD: But tell me Sergeant, how did you know those three were thieves? 那么, 警官请你告诉我, 你怎么知道那三个人是强盗?

BILL: I suspected something right away.They kept walking back and forth in front of the bank. After watching them for three days, I knew something was going to happen soon. 我一开始就起疑心. 他们在银行的门口一直走来走去, 在注意他们三天以后, 我就知道不久即会有事情发生了.

MR.NIKZAD: Why did you wait three days before acting? 你为什么要等三天才采取行动呢?

BILL: We needed more proof, so I started noting their movements carefully. I sold ice cream right under their noses. 因为我们需要更多的证据, 所以我开始细心地观察他们的行踪. 我就在他们的跟前卖冰淇淋.