第 94 课:We spread out. 我们分布各处.

: When they got up to the tellers, they took guns out of paper bags. 当他们走到出纳员面前时, 就从牛皮纸袋取出枪.

: Most of the people in the bank didn't know what was happening. 银行里的人大多不知道有事情发生.

: I could see this through the windows of the bank. 这件事情经过, 我从银行的窗外可以看到.

: Meanwhile, the other non-uniformed policemen arrived. 在此同时, 其余的便衣警员也到达了现场.

: We spread out. 我们分布各处.

: Some went into the bank and some stood near the front. 有的到银行里面去, 有的站到门口近处.

: We wanted to wait until they had the money in their hands. 我们等待直到他们拿到了钱,

: Then we got them. 然后把他们逮捕,

: It was all over in twenty seconds. 这件事情只花二十秒钟的时间就结束了.

: I never stopped selling ice cream, although I gave one man too much change. 我始终一直地继续卖冰淇淋, 虽然我多找给一位男士太多的零钱.

: "I like this old bar. 我很喜欢这家老酒馆,

: I know it's old-fashioned, but that's what I like about it. 我明知它有点老式, 不过就因为这样我才喜欢它.

: Sure, it's dark. 当然啦, 里面固然很黑,

: Most bars are. But that's all right, some things look better in the dark. 但是大多数的酒馆都是这样子. 那没关系, 有些东西要在黑暗里才好看.