第 99 课:Which picture are you going to send in?你打算画哪张画?

MICHAEL: What? How? With whom?什么?怎么去?和谁一起去?

JOANA: The Brazilian Pavilion is holding an art competition. The person who wins gets a grant to study and paint anywhere in Brazil. 世界博览会的巴西馆正在举办美术大赛,获胜者将得到奖学金,到巴西的任何地方学习和绘画。

MICHAEL: Really? How do you apply?真的?那怎么办呢?

JOANA: All you have to do is submit a painting to the Brazilian Pavilion by December 1. You'll love Brazil. I'll show you all the sights. We'll have a wonderful time.你所要干的就是在12月1日以前必须交巴西馆一幅画。你会爱上巴西的。我可以领你看巴西所有的风景名胜。我们将有一段美好的时光。

MICHAEL: Hold on. I can enter. That doesn't mean I'll win.说干就干,我可以参加。但这并不等于我能取胜。

JOANA: Michael, no one else has a chance!米其尔,没人能有这个机会!

MICHAEL: Oh, come on.噢,得啦。

JOANA: No, really. Name one modern artist whose pain tings are better than yours? Name one artist whose paintings the judges could possibly like more than yours. 不,真的,尽管现代画家的作品比你的要好。但裁判们也许更喜欢你的画。

MICHAEL: It's nice to have someone who believes in you. Too bad you're not one of the judges.有人信任你这的确很好。糟糕的是你并不是这次比赛的裁判。

JOANA: Which picture are you going to send in?你打算画哪张画?

MICHAEL: I don't know. I'll have to do something new-something totally new--something spectacular. 我不知道。我得画几张新的——全新的——能够吸引人的作品。