第 100 课:战争是否合理-1

American Defense Secretary Robert Gates says history will judge whether the war in Iraq was justified. 美国国防部长Robert Gates 称,历史将会评断出伊拉克战争是否是合理的。

He spoke during a visit to a military base in western Iraq. 此番话是他在访问伊拉克西部的军事基地时发表的。

Secretary Gates visited the base after President Obama officially declared an end to American combat operations in Iraq. 部长 Gates是在总统奥巴马正式发表了结束在伊拉克作战任务之后,才前往参观了此基地。

The president made the announcement at the White House earlier this week. 本周初,总统奥巴马在白宫做出了此项宣布.

America's involvement in the armed conflict lasted more than seven years. 美国对伊拉克军事斗争的介入,持续超过了7年的时间。