Every people has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions. 每个民族都有自己的阐述事物的方式、自己所特有的言语表达。
Some of these expressions are easy to understand. The words create a picture in your mind. 这些言语表达中,有的很好理解。 ( 因为 ) 它们会在你的头脑中构成图像。
" As easy as falling off a log " is one such expression. “不 费 吹灰之力”( as easy as falling off a log ” )便是 这样 一 种 表 达 。
It describes a job that does not take much effort. 它用来描述无需费太大力气(就可以完成)的工作。
If you ever tried to walk on a fallen tree log, you understand what the expression means. 如果你曾尝试在圆木上行走,你就会懂得这个表达是什么意思了。