When life itself is easy, when you have no cares or problems, you are on " Easy Street ." 当生活本身轻松惬意,当你心胸宽广或无忧无虑时,那么你便是生活富足优越( Easy Street )了。
Everyone wants to live on that imaginary street. 每个人都想生活在那个虚构的的幸福之街上。
Another "easy" expression is to " go easy on a person ". 另一个“简单的”表达是“宽容待人”( go easy on a person )。
It means to treat a person kindly or gently, especially in a situation where you might be expected to be angry with him. 它的意思是要和善而温柔地对待某人,尤其是在你可能对他发火的情况下。
A wife might urge her husband to "go easy on" their son, because the boy did not mean to wreck the car. 一位妻子可能劝诫她的丈夫对他们的儿子宽容一些,因为孩子并不是故意要毁坏那辆汽车。