第 108 课:黑莓服务-5

Communications are made secure the moment they leave the BlackBerry device through encryption. 通讯信息离开黑莓设备后就会通过加密确保安全。

On Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States will hold talks with the UAE and other countries about possible bans on BlackBerry services. 周二,国务卿希拉里 . 克林顿表示,美国会就黑莓服务的禁令,与阿联酋以及其它一些国家举行会谈。

She said the United States knows there are reasonable security concerns about the service. 她说,美国体谅这些国家对设备安全性的合理关切,

But she added that there is also a right of free use and access. 但她补充说,人们也有免费使用和获取权利。