第 109 课:教育和健康保健-1

President Obama signed legislation Tuesday to provide twenty-six billion dollars to the states for education and healthcare. 周二奥巴马总统签署法案,提供 260 亿美元用于美国的教育和健康保健。

The measure includes ten billion dollars for education and sixteen billion for Medicaid, the joint state-federal government medical program for the poor. 该项举措中, 100 亿美元用于教育,另外 160 亿美元用于“医疗补助”——各州和联邦政府联合为穷人提供的医疗项目。

The legislation will help one hundred sixty thousand teachers and one hundred fifty thousand police and public service workers keep their jobs. 该法案将使 16 万教师和 15 万警察、公共服务人员保住工作。

The House of Representatives approved the bill Tuesday. 周二众议院批准了该法案。

House members had already begun a six-week holiday when the Senate approved the measure last week. 当上周参议院批准该法案时,众议院的议员们已经开始为其六周的假期。