第 109 课:教育和健康保健-3

He talked about the decrease in college graduation rates in the United States . 他谈到了美国大学毕业率的下滑。

President Obama said educational success and economic well-being are linked, especially in a world economy driven by information and technology. 奥马巴总统说教育成功和经济福祉紧密相关,尤其是对一个经济受信息技术推动的社会来说。

His goal is to increase the percentage of college graduates from forty percent to sixty percent by the year twenty-twenty. 他的目标是到 2020 年时把高校毕业生的比例从 40% 提高到 60% 。

The president said the federal government has already reformed the student loan system and increased tax credits for families struggling to pay college education costs. 总统说联邦政府已经改革了学生贷款制度,增加了对支付学费困难家庭的税收减免。