第 11 课:大学毕业所需时间-2

The Republican senator is a former education secretary and former president of the University of Tennessee. 这位共和党议员是原教育部部长和前任田纳西大学的校长。

He suggested offering a three-year bachelor's degree that would save money as well as time. 他建议提供三年制的学士学位,这样既节约了费用,也节省了时间。

Many students can already graduate in three years. 很多学生已经可以在三年内就毕业了。

They take bigger class loads and classes in the summer. 夏季里其教学量及课时都比以往要沉重。

And they have college credit from passing Advanced Placement tests in high school. 同时他们从通过高中的跳级考试来获得大学学分。

A.P. credits can mean fewer required classes. A.P.学分可意味着较少的必修课。