第 111 课:有关流产-4

That was compared to seventy-three percent of women who waited more than two years. 这是相对于73%的妇女等待超过了两年成功怀孕而且分娩了,

Those who quickly became pregnant again were also less likely to have a pregnancy form in their fallopian tubes, a dangerous condition. 那些很快再次怀孕的人也比较少发生输卵管怀孕(宫外孕),一种危险的情况。

And they were less likely to have a stillbirth, the loss of a fetus after twenty weeks. 并且她们也较少有死胎,20周以后胎儿流失。

They were also less likely to give birth by caesarean section. 她们也较少的靠剖腹产生产。

And they had fewer preterm births and fewer babies with low birth weight. 而且她们更少的发生早产和体重较低的婴儿。

The report appears in BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal. 这个报道出现在英国医学杂志。