第 111 课:有关流产-5

The study found that about forty percent of women became pregnant again within six months. 研究发现大约百分之四十的妇女在六个月内怀孕了。

Twenty-five percent got pregnant within six to twelve months. 百分之二十五在六到十二个月怀孕了。

But the researchers point out that their results are limited to Scottish records and cannot be generalized to all women. 但是研究者指出他们的结果只局限于苏格兰的记载。不能代表所有妇女。

For example, compared to Western countries, women in developing countries start having children at an earlier age. 例如,和西方国家相比,发展中国家的女人在更早的年龄就开始有孩子了。

The Scottish women who quickly became pregnant again after a miscarriage were more likely to be older. 一次流产之后很快再次怀孕的苏格兰妇女年纪可能更大些。

Older women might be less likely to delay because they know that the older they get, the higher the risks. 年纪大的妇女可能不倾向于推迟,因为他们知道她们越来风险就越高。