第 112 课:穆斯林学院-2

Zaytuna held its first classes this summer -- intensive study of Arabic to prepare for classes in the fall. Zaytuna 今年夏季举办了第一个班——为秋季班而作准备的阿拉伯语强化学习。

Zaytuna currently offers two majors, a choice of Islamic law and religion or Arabic language. Zaytuna 目前有两个专业,伊斯兰法与宗教和阿拉伯语,(学生)可以任选其一。

General education classes include American history, anthropology, philosophy, literature and political science. 一般的教育课包括美国历史、人类学、文学以及政治学。

Imam Zaid Shakir is a professor and co-founder of Zaytuna. He was born in Berkeley. Imam Zaid Shakir 是 Zaytuna 的一名教授和合伙创办者。

The college website says he accepted Islam in nineteen seventy-seven while serving in the United States Air Force. 他出生在伯克利。学院网站说他 1977 年在美国空军服役时信奉了伊斯兰教。