第 113 课:大学毕业生-2

Two tests are proposed to see if they do. 有两项测试去检查这些学校是否履行。

One would measure the relationship between debt loads and how much students earn after they complete a program. 一项是测量他们的债务负担和他们完成课程之后所赚薪水之间的关系;

The other would measure the rate at which all students repay their loans, whether they complete the program or not. 另一项是测量所有学生偿还贷款的速度,不管是否完成课程。

Programs that fail these tests could be restricted or blocked from federal student aid. 测试失败的课程可能会被限制或者被阻止接受来自联邦的学生援助。

The Education Department says for-profit colleges and training programs are important. 教育署说,盈利性高校和培训课程是重要的。