第 113 课:大学毕业生-3

In two thousand eight they had close to two million students -- nearly three times more than in two thousand. 2008 年这些高校的学生数达到 200 万——比 2000 年多接近 3 倍。

Last year, the five largest received more than three-fourths of their money from federal student aid. 去年,五所最大的盈利性高校超过四分之三的款项来自联邦的学生援助。

And that amount did not include other forms of government aid. 并且该数目不包括其它一些形式的政府援助。

Yet officials say for-profit colleges may be less supervised than other schools. 但是政府官员说,盈利性高校相比其它学校而言缺乏监督。

They also point to reports of highly aggressive marketing. 他们也指出(这些高校)高度积极营销的报告。